World Water Resources

                        Water and Economics


       This seminar will present ongoing initiatives to address the economics of sanitation and water and discuss current thinking on the costing of sanitation services. WHO/University of Geneva will present cost-benefit analyses of improved sanitation options for low-income communities. WASHCost focuses on cost identification
and disaggregation over the entire WASH service delivery cycle. Two cases from Ghana and Andhra Pradesh, India will be presented. EAWAG will present a costing tool for sanitation technologies, ranging from simple pits to constructed wetlands. WSP will present the findings of a financial and economic analysis of ecological sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa, which compares the cost of EcoSan with conventional sanitation systems as part of WSP’s broader Economics of Sanitation Initiative. The second part of the seminar will involve a panel discussion that will provide insight and recommendations on how to move forward. The target audience of the seminar is international donors,
national governments, local level practitioners and NGOs.

                       future water resources


A shared understanding of benefits is acknowledged as key for fostering cooperation. Benefits are often not made visible and the consideration of benefits is often limited to the water sector even though benefits go beyond the basin. Further progress can be made by “getting out of the water box” and adopting a cross-sectoral approach. Complimentary agendas of countries and sectors should be identified and built upon. Investments in water quality infrastructure is one example were cooperation can translate to mutual benefit. In looking for entry points for cooperation in politically contentious basins, it can be helpful to find common interests and build confidence at a technical level.

Safe Water Services

People affected by natural disasters and conflicts must be given a
chance to have an acceptable standard of hygiene that prevents the
spread of disease and to sustain daily life. Structures and processes
for safe water and sanitation services must be rehabilitated or re-constructed
and institutions and people that can handle emergencies
need support. Emergency response protocols and plans for disaster
management need to be developed before disasters occur.

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