World Water Resources

Challenges and obstacles

                    Many emerging pollutants (including pharmaceuticals, industrial additives and pesticides) have unknown effects, and are difficult to detect. The number of new chemicals in products which can end up as pollutants in water will continue to increase. The lack of institutional strength, trust and political will are key obstacles to progress. Improving these is a prerequisite for cooperation but they are slow to develop and easily destroyed. Much effort is needed to improving governance since stable states enable stable cooperation, which enables water quality problems to be addressed effectively. The uncertain nature of climate variability and change complicates cooperation across borders while increasing the demand for it. There is sometimes too much reliance on waiting for international negotiations and agreements to provide guidance, which may slow down progress on the ground. The short-term interests of stakeholders and politicians can be obstacles for long-term thinking about how to best manage common resources.Corruption linked to water pollution is another challenge due to poor governance and lack of transparency, accountability, and regulatory frameworks at national and transnational levels. The lack of appropriate legislation as well as aligning national and basin-level policies have also been raised as obstacles that reduce the progress on controlling water quality across borders.
                                       Implementation and enforcement of both international law and national policies is critical, with capacity being a major challenge, particularly in less developed countries. Many social, religious and economic issues as well as local habits, education and technologies should be considered when introducing measures of water management. The implementation of IWRM can be hampered by the need for institutional development, weak governance, lack of money, lack of participation and the need for increasing investment security.
